Most men often think their Orgasm and Ejaculation are the same; I’ve learned and witnessed in recent years that there is a BIG difference between male orgasm and ejaculation.

Ejaculation is not a whole-body experience, and according to some men that have learned how to separate their orgasm and ejaculation say ejaculation is small stuff compared to a whole-body orgasm.

Men who have experienced the different feelings say it’s rare that a whole-body orgasm happens during ejaculation.

To distinguish the difference between the two, we need to understand how a whole-body orgasm works and how energy flows during the process of orgasm.

In ancient studies it’s believed that men and women have 7 energetic centers also known as Chakras.

Just as we have certain organs in our body that perform specific functions, we also have energy centers in which energy flows through to perform certain energetic functions.

Here is a quick summary of each Chakra and how each energy center is related to the function of our glands.

Quick Note: There are many books written on the 7 Chakras and each philosophy has a slightly different approach. For this post I am going to keep it very simple and only talk about the glands related to each chakra.  

Male Orgasm

1st Root Chakra – Testicles & Ovaries, provides sexual energy.

2nd Sexual Chakra – Adrenal gland is responsible for balancing fluids in the  body, including sexual fluids.

 3rd Solar Plexus Chakra – Pancreas & Liver, its role is to maintain control of blood sugar levels and digestion.

4th Heart Chakra – Thymus gland directs the heart and circulatory system.

5th Throat Chakra – Thyroid gland maintains metabolism of our cells and guides our growth.

6th Third Eye Chakra – Pituitary gland is associated with intelligence, memory, wisdom, thought, intuition, and creativity.

7th Crown Chakra – Pineal gland is the connection point between the body and spirit. The Pineal gland also secretes a chemical known as DMT. DMT is referred to as the “Spirit Molecule”. DMT is believed to secrete during dream state, spiritual and mystical experiences and during time of death.

So what does all this have to do with the Male Orgasm?

During ejaculation, it’s believed that most men only experience a root chakra release.

The energy builds up in the genitals until it reaches its peak, then an explosion occurs to release the energy.

When a man is having a full body orgasm, the energy shoots upward through his spine and into the whole-body,

I’ve actually witnessed a man experience a whole-body orgasm where his entire body was shaking without ejaculating.

He described it like this:

“First I feel a tingling sensation in my lower abdomen, then the energy shoots upwards towards my head and when I experience this type of orgasm, it feels like my entire body becomes my penis. I feel intense heat all through out my body.”

Male Orgasm vs. Ejaculation

You may have experienced a whole-body orgasm but didn’t realize what was happening to you or why it was happening or how to repeat that feeling.

In Taoist philosophy, it’s believed that when a man ejaculates regularly, he’s losing his life force energy.  Some men agree with this while others disagree.

The handful of men I have met who are able to experience a whole-body orgasm say:

“It’s a very different feeling and hard to put into words, if any man wishes to know the difference he has to experience it.”

“After sex, I have way more energy, feel creative and experience greater clarity.”

“I no longer feel no longer feel tired or depressed, I wish I learned how to orgasm a lot sooner.”

There are different ways to activate a whole-body orgasm. A few ways are through breath, using your PC muscles or fully surrendering to the pleasures you are receiving.

One of the most incredible things about the body, is its capacity for pleasure. The ancients appreciated the extraordinary capability of our bodies and developed systems to enhance it’s functions.

They may not have known about technology, but they developed a very sophisticated science of ecstasy.

I would love to hear from you. Have you ever experienced a whole-body orgasm?

Cover Photo: Credit: Oleksiy Maksymenko
