Christina Antonyan

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Mae West once said a man's kiss is his signature and anything worth doing is worth doing slowly. I created ConfidentLovers for the evolved minds who no longer benefit from living in a world of taboos. Instead we crave depth, pleasure & connection.

The Dark Side Of Tantra – My Personal Experience

By | March 27th, 2017|Sexuality|0 Comments

For nearly a year I was looking for a trusted Tantra Masseur (man or woman). This is one of the few categories where Google wouldn’t be a trusted source. So I asked around and finally [...]

Why Does A Man Feel The NEED To Ejaculate Every Time He Has Sex?

By | February 23rd, 2017|Male Sexuality & Anatomy|0 Comments

Over the years I’ve asked many men what is their attachment to ejaculation? In other words, why do most men have the ‘need’ to ejaculate every time they have sex? Common answers: Because it feels [...]

How To Practice Karezza – (Part 2)

By | February 2nd, 2017|Sexuality|0 Comments

In the previous article I discussed “What is Karezza? In today’s article I will share the gentleman’s wisdom on how to practice Karezza as well as some takeaways from Lloyds book. In Lloyds book the [...]

What Is Karezza? ~ How Sex Without Orgasm Satisfies Us (Part 1)

By | January 5th, 2017|Sexuality|0 Comments

Recently I spoke to a gentleman in his late 40’s who said “The practice of Karezza is my new found Sex God.” I had no idea what he was referring to. It turns out he [...]

What Are Your Sexual Values?

By | December 6th, 2016|Conscious Loving|0 Comments

A few months a go I sat down to write my values for my business. Then it dawned on me that I have never written down my sexual values. Why is it necessary to know (and [...]

What Is The A-Spot? – I Went To Malaysia To Find Out

By | November 14th, 2016|Female Sexuality & Anatomy|0 Comments

I had no idea the A-spot existed until a few years ago. Someone mentioned it to me casually in a conversation, but couldn’t give me any explanation other than “it’s located further behind the G-spot.” [...]

A Healing Genital Massage – What Is Karsai Nei Tsang?

By | October 27th, 2016|Sexual Health|0 Comments

In 2014 I attended a Tao and Tantra workshop in Chiang Mai Thailand. During this workshop I learned many principles of the Universal Healing Tao system including two healing massages I had never heard of. Chi Nei Tsang [...]

The Vibrator Ruined My Marriage

By | October 16th, 2016|Relationships|0 Comments

One of my friends is going through a divorce and he keeps saying, “The vibrator ruined my marriage.” Of course this is not exactly a true statement as there are many variables that lead to a [...]

Do Sexual Boundaries Prevent Us From Experiencing Pleasure?

By | September 25th, 2016|Sexuality|0 Comments

I was recently having dinner with a gentleman I just met. We were having a general introductory discussion and after I told him what I did for a living, he leaned in and asked, “How can [...]

If A Woman Can’t Orgasm – Is It A Man’s Fault?

By | September 1st, 2016|Female Sexuality & Anatomy|0 Comments

A question I often get asked from men is - “my girlfriend/wife has a hard time orgasming during sex - why? While there can be many reasons for this, often there are common links. For [...]

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