
Communication Styles: Logic Vs. Heart Talk

By | April 21st, 2024|Passionate Communication|0 Comments

In my years of coaching couples dealing with sexual challenges, a recurring theme has become very clear. The source of their bedroom dilemmas often starts outside of the bedroom manifesting during moments of intimacy. At [...]

The Power Of Polarity In Relationships

By | October 22nd, 2023|Relationships|0 Comments

I remember the aha moments while reading David Deida’s book and the Book of Changes, finally understanding the significance of polarity in relationships and in life. Polarity, that magnetic force drawing lovers together, goes beyond mere attraction.It's the Yin and Yang of [...]

Sexual Communication – The Power of Sharing

By | June 4th, 2023|Passionate Communication|0 Comments

I was coaching a 43-year-old woman who said “I think there is something wrong with my libido, I no longer want to have sex with my husband.” I followed up with “are you sure it’s [...]

Sexual Harmony – Break Free From Boring Habits

By | May 26th, 2023|Relationships|0 Comments

Discover the art of sexual harmony by finding the perfect balance between our primal desires for release and the depths of orgasmic intimacy.

What is Sex Magic & Where Did It Come From?

By | February 3rd, 2023|Sexuality|0 Comments

Sex magic is a spiritual practice that uses sexual energy, sexual acts, and the power of intention to manifest a desired outcome or a goal. It is based on the belief that the sexual energy [...]

The Spirit Of Intimacy – This Tribe Goes On A Journey During Sex

By | August 16th, 2018|Sexuality|0 Comments

"The Spirit of Intimacy, Ancient African Teachings In The Ways Of Relationships." The world is a vast mix of cultures and traditions. Nothing has more lasting and profound impact on us than our families, communities, [...]

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