
The Power Of Polarity In Relationships

By | October 22nd, 2023|Relationships|0 Comments

I remember the aha moments while reading David Deida’s book and the Book of Changes, finally understanding the significance of polarity in relationships and in life. Polarity, that magnetic force drawing lovers together, goes beyond mere attraction.It's the Yin and Yang of [...]

How To Make Your Relationship Thrive During Quarantine

By | May 31st, 2020|Relationships|0 Comments

My wife and I are retired teachers in our 70’s. Prior to quarantine we both had extremely busy lives full of meetings, projects and grandparent duties we both enjoy very much. We’ve rarely made time [...]

How I Found A Meaningful Relationship

By | March 31st, 2016|Relationships|0 Comments

What is a life of meaning? Surely everyone’s journey along his or her unique path brings meaning and spiritual growth? If true happiness and fulfillment are the keys to a meaningful life, what exactly is [...]

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